Poplar chips + corn cobs RM20/MP8

RM20/MP8 is made of coarse poplar grain for animal welfare and fine corn cob grain for optimal absorption.

Mice spontaneously build their nests with the larger elements contained in RM20/MP8. The coarse poplar grain size separates the mice droppings from the surface of the litter. This prevents the animals from lying on their droppings, unlike using pure corn cob.

The RM20/MP8 is particularly effective after autoclaving.

The RM20/MP8 is suitable for use in ventilated racks.

To see all our laboratory animal bedding

Data sheet

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AniBed - Illustration
  • 5 kg woven polypropylene bag (reference : RM20/MP8)
  • Other packaging : please contact us
  • Ionisation by gamma rays possible
  • Wood type : Poplar MP8 (50%)
  • Corn shavings : EU GRITS 20/30 (50%)
  • Grain size poplar MP8 : 3.15mm to 6.3 mm
  • Grain size EU GRITS 20/30 : 0.56 mm to 1.5 mm
  • Density : about 300 kg/m3
  • Dust content below 355 µm : close to 0%.
  • Moisture content : 10 to 12%

*non contractual data

French manufacturing and local suppliers French manufacturing and local suppliers
Respectful of the environment Respectful of the environment
Description de l'image Innovation and tailor-made products
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