Cellulose bedding BCell4/4 and BCell8

The cellulose used by AniBed to manufacture its litters can be in contact with food products, skin or mucous membranes. It is certified by an independent laboratory.

Composed of 90% cellulose and 10% water, it eliminates most of the variables encountered when using conventional litters such as the presence of mycotoxins found in corn cob and wood.

BCELL litters are manufactured by AniBed according to a specific process that guarantees a regular production, secure supplies and controlled costs.


To see all our laboratory animal bedding

Data sheet

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AniBed - Illustration
AniBed - Illustration
  • 9 kg autoclavable braided polypropylene bag (reference : BCell4/4 and BCell8)
  • 9 kg double pack ionised at 10 kGy (reference : BCell4/4-IR10 and BCell8-IR10)
  • Double vacuum-packed carton of 4.320 kg ionised at 40 kGy (reference : BCell4/4-IR40)
  • Other packaging : please contact us
  • Raw material : Pure cellulose
  • Granulometry :
    BCell4/4 : 4mm square
    BCell8 : rectangle of 4mm by 8mm
  • Density : 200 to 220 kg/m3
  • Absorbency : 9 to 10 times its weight in water (according to SCAN-C33/80)
  • Dust content below 355µ : 0.025%
  • Moisture content : less than 10%

*non contractual data

French manufacturing and local suppliers French manufacturing and local suppliers
Respectful of the environment Respectful of the environment
Description de l'image Innovation and tailor-made products
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